[thelist] (sql2k) syntax error in sproc -- now a run-time error

Tab Alleman Tab.Alleman at MetroGuide.com
Wed Jul 9 14:08:40 CDT 2003

It turns out that the problem was that I hadn't yet written a statement
to be carried out if the IF condition was met.  I didn't think the
syntax checker would catch that:  I figured it would be a run-time

So anyway, I got my sproc past the syntax-check, but now I'm getting a
run-time error.  The two pertinent bits of code are:

SET @ThisYear = Year(DATEADD(dy, -60, GetDate()))
SET @Database = 'dw_tab'
SET @ArchiveTableName = 'ea' + @ThisYear


	CREATE TABLE [@Database].[dbo].[@ArchiveTableName] (

The error occurs on the CREATE TABLE line, saying:

Server: Msg 2702, Level 16, State 2, Procedure tsp_ArchiveSentEmail,
Line 21
Database '@Database' does not exist.

What should I do differently to get it to use the value of @Database (in
this case, 'dw_tab') in the CREATE TABLE query?

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