[thelist] The Spam Argument [long] (was: Hiveware email address encoder)

Jeff Howden jeff at jeffhowden.com
Fri Jul 25 13:55:09 CDT 2003


> From: Kelly Hallman
> On Fri, 25 Jul 2003, Kelly Hallman wrote:
> > Frank, I think your argument here is duplicitous.
> Frank sent me an email saying this line was enough to
> cause him to disregard my post.  So since he's probably
> disregarding this one too:
> Check out www.loofahcom.com
> Guess the admin contact on the domain?? :)

let's not make this a personal attack on frank.

i have no reason to suspect that his business ethics are anything but above
board.  please don't imply that they might not be.

your post contains nothing to keep the signal-to-noise ratio at its usual
high level.  accordingly, you owe a tip.

<tip type="ColdFusion" author=".jeff">

If you're running ColdFusion MX and use <cftry>/<cfcatch> blocks to
trap/report errors, beware of a bug that's been reported, but not yet fixed.
In some instances, you can not use the Duplicate() function to copy the
cfcatch struct to a local variable for use later in the request.  It will
fail with the following error:

You have attempted to dereference a scalar variable of type class
[Ljava.lang.reflect.Method; as a structure with members.

Unfortunatley, the only solution, at this time, is to dump the cfcatch
structure within the <cfcatch> block.


thank you,


Jeff Howden - Web Application Specialist
Resume - http://jeffhowden.com/about/resume/
Code Library - http://evolt.jeffhowden.com/jeff/code/

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