[thelist] php: how to reselect a checkbox on page reload

Jeff Howden jeff at jeffhowden.com
Sat Aug 9 14:55:46 CDT 2003


> From: Kelly Hallman
> > i'm no php person, but if you're going to be using
> > xhtml syntax for your <input /> tags, shouldn't your
> > compact attributes be expanded (and lowercase)?
> >
> > <input type="checkbox" name="foo" id="foo" value="1"
> >        checked="checked" />
> Yes, for sure.. I never really knew what to do with
> checked/selected/etc in that context.  Somehow I knew
> someone would probably fault my HTML ;)

just doing my duties.  ;)

> Thanks, though.. checked="checked" appeals much more to
> my sensibilities than a dangling argument with no value,
> anyway...  While we're on that topic... what about
> nowrap?  Is it now done only with CSS, or
> nowrap="nowrap" ?  Further, does the value supplied even
> matter?

i'm having a difficult time finding info on requirements for specific
minimized attributes.  there's the following from w3.org:


however, it just says, attribute minimization isn't supported.  whenever i
need to use an attribute that is generally minimized in html4, i just take
the attribute name and use it as the attribute value.



Jeff Howden - Web Application Specialist
Resume - http://jeffhowden.com/about/resume/
Code Library - http://evolt.jeffhowden.com/jeff/code/

Jeff Howden - Web Application Specialist
Resume - http://jeffhowden.com/about/resume/
Code Library - http://evolt.jeffhowden.com/jeff/code/

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