[thelist] [IE] bizarre vanishing text errors

Paul Bennett paul at teltest.com
Mon Sep 1 19:35:06 CDT 2003

'volters, I am getting the weirdest errors in IE (6.0.2800.1106)

I have a test page here:
in which I am trying to get some css formatting working
works fine in Mozilla (surprise) but I get the strangest error in IE - 
The header text (h3) "Choose by Career" and the "greek" text under it 
are not visible when the page loads, but when you switch from IE to 
another application and then back to IE, the text is visible!
There are no dislay: none's or visibility shenanigans going on - just 
plain old css layout and styles

Has anyone encountered this before? Can anyone replicate it ?

I have seen the same error on our home page
where the main text will not show up in IE until a link is moused over.....?

	Paul Bennett						
	Internet Developer				
	Teltest Electronic Design		
Email: paul at teltest.com				
Phone: 64 4 237 4557					
Web: http://www.teltest.com		
Wap: http://wap.teltest.com			

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