[thelist] Re: MYSQL: getting distinct dates from a DATETIME field

Dunstan Orchard dunstan at 1976design.com
Sun Oct 5 08:41:25 CDT 2003

> Rudy wrote:
> DISTINCT will work

Hey rudy, well as you suggested, my query now reads:

DATE_FORMAT(event_date, '%b %D') AS event_dates,
event_name, event_cost
FROM event
WHERE (event_type = 'exhibit hall')
ORDER BY DATE_FORMAT(event_date, '%b %D') ASC

But the output hasn't changed - it's still returning all three records :o/

Here's a dump from PhpMyAdmin showing the table structure and the three rows in

  event_id int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
  event_name varchar(100) NOT NULL default '',
  event_path varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
  event_date datetime default NULL,
  event_duration time NOT NULL default '00:00:00',
  event_cost int(5) NOT NULL default '0',
  event_part int(1) NOT NULL default '0',
  event_parts int(1) NOT NULL default '0',
  event_note varchar(100) NOT NULL default '',
  event_type varchar(20) NOT NULL default '',
  PRIMARY KEY  (event_id)

INSERT INTO event VALUES (13, 'Exhibit Hall Open', '', '2003-05-15 16:00:00',
'04:00:00', 2500, 0, 0, '(Reception 4 – 6 PM)', 'exhibit hall');
INSERT INTO event VALUES (15, 'Exhibit Hall Open', '', '2003-05-16 08:00:00',
'05:00:00', 2500, 0, 0, '', 'exhibit hall');
INSERT INTO event VALUES (21, 'Exhibit Hall Open', '', '2003-05-16 16:00:00',
'03:00:00', 2500, 0, 0, '', 'exhibit hall');

And the data being outputted to the page:

Date 	        Cost 	  	Title
May 15th 	$25 		Exhibit Hall Open
May 16th 	$25 		Exhibit Hall Open
May 16th 	$25 		Exhibit Hall Open

Sorry to keep asking the same question, but if everyone thinks if _should_ work,
I'd love to get it fixed :o)

Thanks again for the continued help.

- Dunstan

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