[thelist] Friday hlp! A reasonable scaled progression for H1 h2 h3 h4

David Dorward evolt at david.us-lot.org
Fri Oct 17 03:38:59 CDT 2003

On Friday, Oct 17, 2003, at 09:25 Europe/London, John C Bullas wrote:
> But if you have use fontsizes in points elsewhere in your CSS sheet

Why do you have to have font sizes defined in points elsewhere in the 
style sheet? Its highly inappropriate for use on screen (not least 
because most browsing environments are not set up to handle them 
correctly), see the Wiki link at the end.

> is it possible to adjust these to say H1 minus 3 or H3 plus 5

No. Although you can mix percentages and fixed units. Remember that 
relative font size units are relative to the font size in the parent 
element, not the users preference (except for the root element in which 
the parent element is the users preference).

>> http://css-discuss.incutio.com/?page=FontSize
David Dorward

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