[thelist] Lucida Grande & Lucida Character Size vs Verdana, Geneva, Arial, Helv?

Pat Meeks pmeeks at msn.com
Fri Oct 31 19:14:07 CST 2003


I only have a PC, and while I do have Lucida Sans and Lucida Sans Unicode, I
have no idea how the Mac and Konquerer fonts compare in size or character
count to the standard IE fonts when viewed in Konquerer, Panther or on any
other Mac browser that would have them installed. By standard, I would say
Verdana, Arial, Tahoma.  www.realworldstyle.com gives a little peek of
Lucida Sans in Konquerer and on Unix machines.

Lucida Sans is slightly larger than Lucida Sans Unicode on my XP Pro. If I
use either of these in my IE browser for testing, might they approximate how
the site will look on a Unix, Mac or in Panther?

Thanks, Pat

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