[thelist] Change Iframe background colour

Simon Perry simon.perry at si-designs.co.uk
Thu Dec 11 06:06:45 CST 2003

Ben Morrison wrote:

>On 11/12/03 11:42 am, "Brian Hurtt" <bhurtt at mindspring.com> wrote:
>>is there a reason you don't just set the background color in the iframe's
>>src document (subscribe.htm)?
>Its for a email system that is being hosted elsewhere, the cost for them to
>customise the pages for individual clients was excessive to say the least.
>Our solution is to have the forms, repsonse text etc very basicly styled. We
>can then use an iframe on our pages and change background colours etc as
>needed to match different clients.
Sounds like you are trying to implement cross site scripting which is 
prohibited by the Javascript language it's self.


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