[thelist] Apache: Name base VirtualHost Hel[L]p?

jsWalter jsWalter at torres.ws
Wed Feb 18 09:22:48 CST 2004

I have  16 virtual hosts running on my 2k box.

This is off my 2k Apache 2 conf files...

httpd.conf: (only relavent parts)


  DocumentRoot "/etc/httpd/htdocs"

  #NameVirtualHost *

  # Include other conf files, any and all.
  # this will open ONLY .conf files!
  include conf.d/*.conf

random virtual host file...


<VirtualHost apache.test:80>
	ServerName    apache.test:80
	ServerAlias   apache.test
	ServerAdmin   walter at torres.ws

	DocumentRoot  /etc/httpd/htdocs
	ScriptAlias   /cgi-bin /etc/httpd/httpd/cgi-bin

	ErrorLog      /etc/httpd/logs/web_error.log
	TransferLog   /etc/httpd/logs/web_access.log
	ScriptLog     /etc/httpd/logs/script_access.log

	# We are not using encryption here
	SSLEngine off

another VH file...


# php.test

<VirtualHost php.test:80>
	ServerName    php.test:80
	ServerAdmin   walter at php.test

	ServerAlias   *.php.test

	DocumentRoot  /home/php/htdocs
	ScriptAlias   /cgi-bin /home/php/httpd/cgi-bin

        ErrorLog      /home/php/httpd/log/web_error.log
        TransferLog   /home/php/httpd/log/web_access.log
        ScriptLog     /home/php/httpd/log/script_access.log


And yes this works, even without the drive letter.

Since my Apache, PHP, perl and mySQL are all on G volume, the drive letter
is redundant.

This lets me create a faux-unix volume on my 2k box to match what is on my
Linux box at "work".

With this method, I can create a virtual host locally, test it out, and then
FTP the conf files and the actual domain files (PHP, perl, html, etc) right
to my Linux box without any changes.

I have a piece that describes how I set up my system to do this...


Hope this helps.


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