[thelist] Render speed [Was: Browser compliance]

Richard Harb rharb at earthling.net
Wed Mar 24 18:26:38 CST 2004

Thursday, March 25, 2004, 1:06:13 AM, you wrote:

> hey folks

> This is a bit of a tangent, but has anyone found that the render engines
> in Mozilla and Firefox run too fast? 

I've had the same behaviour in Mozilla at some point during
development. I rewrote parts of the site though so I didn't
pull the (rest of) my hair out ... But it kept me busy for quite a
while. Opera / Internet Exploder didn't have those problems. (Though
IE had/has plenty other issues).

So, whatever the reasons for this behaviour, I didn't investigate
extensively and certainly didn't find a reason / solution.


> I have some fairly complex pages in testing at the mo which these 
> browsers don't render properly first time.  There are some containers
> and floats at the top of the pages which are quite complex but are 
> compliant and valid, followed by some large simple boxes containing 
> lists of images and text as a key.  First-time load looks horrid - 
> offset to bizarre places, over-running higher-level containers etc.
> However, refreshing fixes it, though only when the entire page is loaded
> (and therefore in cache?).  Is it trying to render the page before 
> everything is downloaded? There are no tables in these layouts, but it
> reminds me of pulling my teeth out debugging tables in NN4 all those
> years ago...

> Joe

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