[thelist] Difference between domain registrars

Diane Soini diane at dianesoini.com
Wed Mar 24 20:38:49 CST 2004

I really don't see the difference myself. I have one domain at godaddy 
and one at netsol. How much "management" is there to do after you pay 
for it?
On Wednesday, March 24, 2004, at 10:21 AM, Luciano Kay wrote:
> --> GoDaddy is not perfect, I am sure, but certainly better than NetSol
> exactly! that's the question...
> I haven't so much knowledge on domains, DNS and related, then... how 
> you
> could explain that a US$ 7.95 service is better than a US$ 35 one? (I 
> really
> don't understand this)
> I mean, I don't care on who has the registry of my domain, I just want 
> a
> good service (cheaper = better). Obviously, I understand that some 
> specific
> o rare issues could happend (like the case told by Chris).
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