[thelist] Information on Macromedia MAX 2004

Pete Freitag pf at cfdev.com
Tue Mar 30 15:09:35 CST 2004

Minh Lee Goon wrote:

>I've had the misfortune of missing the last two Macromedia conferences 
>(due to bad timing). Would anyone have information on the next one? I'd 
>like to plan early and plant that bug in my bosses ear early.
Ben Forta just slipped out some tentative dates for MAX 04 yesterday:

"Lots of you have been asking about MAX 2004 dates and location. The 
official MAX announcement is due shortly, and I can't discuss the 
location until then. But, to help with scheduling, here are the dates 
(as they stand now, although nothing is final until the official 
announcement). MAX 2004 is scheduled for November 1st - 4th in ... oops, 
can't tell you that yet. :-)"


Pete Freitag
Author of the CFMX Developers Cookbook

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