[thelist] Writing an Apache Module ..in Java?

Kelly Hallman khallman at ultrafancy.com
Fri Apr 16 03:19:21 CDT 2004

Apr 15 at 7:42pm, Raditha Dissanayake wrote:
> Kelly Hallman wrote:
> [long post trimmed off ]
> Why can't you just use JSP?
> (Please accept my appologies if i have missed your point)

Yes, the point was that this is for use on an Apache server that is used
as a proxy (i.e. ProxyPass). Therefore, the proxied apps do not need to 
use the Java object, nor do they even need to reside on the same box.

The proxy can provide the REMOTE_USER environment variable, which would
create an abstraction layer between any local or proxied web app (able to
read the environment variable) and the authentication scheme available
only through this Java object, running on the proxy server machine.

This is roughly the model we use with mod_securid module on the machine 
which uses SecurID/ACE to authenticate a user login, and then sets the 
REMOTE_USER variable with the user's SecurID username.

The reason I am interested in a module is because I am not aware of
another method for setting REMOTE_USER. Any suggestions on doing that
would also work. Thanks for the replies!

Kelly Hallman

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