[thelist] DOMDocument - was XPATH woes

Scott Dexter dexilalolai at yahoo.com
Tue May 11 12:52:04 CDT 2004

> I have the DOMDocument with the XML loaded
> ...
> <bobtypes>
>     <bob id="4"></bob>
>     <bob id="7"></bob>
>     <bob id="10"></bob>
> </bobtypes>
> ...
> to return "4,7,10"

whatcha gonna end up doing is writing a loop to output your list; a
simple XPATH query in the DOMDocument ain't gonna produce the list (I
could be wrong here, I'm not an XPATH guru)

Have you tried:
Set oIDList = oDOM.SelectNodes("/bobtypes/bob")
if oIDList is Nothing then
  ' nothing there, do whateever you must
  ids = ""
  For each oID in oIDList
    ids = ids & oID.getAttribute("id") & ","
  ' hack the trailing comma
  ids = left(ids,len(ids)-1)
end if

(or something similar to the above, it was off the top of my head)

I've poked around the MS XML docs, and their XPATH stuff is
XSLT-focused, but there are some gems to get out of it:


Now, there may be a way with XPATH to enumerate the attributes with
the DOMDocument, but I've not spent the time looking, maybe the
secret is in the SDK somewhere....

Hope that helps

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