[thelist] Controlling one Flash movie from another

Chris Price chris.price at choctaw.co.uk
Wed Jun 2 15:11:42 CDT 2004

On 2/6/04 5:50 pm, "Geoff Sheridan" <evolt at premonition.co.uk> wrote:

> Of course none of the solutions posted will work if frame 150 of the
> child movie is not already loaded.

I have something happening but not what I want.

In the first frame of the parent movie I have:
loadMovieNum ("MyMovie.swf",1)

In the 2nd frame:
tellTarget ("_level1") {
    gotoAndPlay ("playThis");

MyMovie now plays the frame with label "playThis" repeatedly.

Whichever frame I target, it just flickers - the movie doesn't move on.

_level1.gotoAndPlay(150) has the same effect. GotoAndStop also has the same

Another approach I thought of was calling a variable into the child movie
but I couldn't figure that one out either.

To put it simply: I just want to start a flash movie and I want to tell it
where to start (externally) but I know one movie can be controlled from

Thanks for the help so far

<tip type="Transparent Flash movies">
To make a Flash movie transparent so that the elements in your page show
through put wmode="transparent" within the embed tag.

Chris Price

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