[thelist] asp to sql using Integrated Security=SSPI

Ken Schaefer ken.schaefer at gmail.com
Wed Jul 28 19:06:47 CDT 2004

On Wed, 28 Jul 2004 14:29:12 -0400, Brian Delaney
<brian.delaney at mccmh.net> wrote:
> issue is as such:  I have a Intranet web app that connects to sql 2000
> via asp.
> my ado connection string is as such: adoCon.OPen "Provider=SQLOLEDB;
> Data Source=SQLDEV\SQLDEV; Initial Catalog=JAILRR; Integrated
> Security=SSPI"
> The sql database has only one user id(logon) associated with it:
> jaildivuser. It is a  sql account and not a windows domain account.
> My objective was that the windows users logged in and using the app
> would be passed to sql using this string.
> When the app runs you can see in the sql logs a successfull login for
> jaildivuser.
> Strange problem is that no where in the asp code is the user id
> jaildivuser referenced.

>From the information provided:
a) You are using Integrated Authentication, but your authentication
should be failing, since you mention that you have no permitted user
for this database except JailDivUser

b) Having only a single permitted logon is odd - usually the dbo would
be listed, and mapped to "sa" (regardless of whether this is
integrated or not)

c) Have you used Profiler? or Process Info (in EM) to detemine what's
happening under the covers?



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