SV: SV: [thelist] User perception

Andreas Wahlin Andreas.Wahlin at
Tue Nov 16 04:05:20 CST 2004

<This is quite an interesting thread you've started, by the way.>

It would certainly seem people find it so.

Marc, you've made many good points which I won't repeat here for space
reason, and they are all valid. However, "my" system is in such a (poor)
state because I have limited time and resources, and various people here
tug at me saying "I want that and that solution done, yesterday". Even
though I hate hacks, sometimes one has to live with them. I'm actually
currently fighting a bit to get to do a remake of many things, then I
hope it will be done better. 
Also, to pick a bit at your choice of words, I'd say that many people
here are smarter than I am, however, I have knowledge they don't, that's
why they pay me. But I feel that you were trying to humble me a bit and
not to be arrogant towards users than don't have the system fully
integrated into their brains like I do, point taken.

Thanks for enlightenment


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