[thelist] Javascript Error

Matt Warden mwarden at gmail.com
Tue Dec 21 16:21:36 CST 2004

On Tue, 21 Dec 2004 16:26:22 -0500, Norman Bunn
<norman.bunn at craftedsolutions.com> wrote:
> <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
>     function build_string() {
>         var myIndex = '-1';
>         var search_string = '';
>         for (element in window.document.megasearch) {
>             myIndex = window.document.megasearch[element].selectedIndex;
>             if (myIndex > 0) {
>                 if (window.document.megasearch[element].name == 'pot_size'){
>                     search_string = search_string + ' ' +
> window.document.megasearch[element][myIndex].value + '\"';
>                 }
>                 else {
>                     search_string = search_string + ' ' +
> window.document.megasearch[element][myIndex].value;
>                 }
>                 window.document.megasearch.Search.value = search_string;
>             }
>             myIndex = '-1';
>         }
>     }
> </script>


There are a number of problems with your script. I will take a stab at
it, although I'm not certain I understand what you're trying to do.

First, this line:

for (element in window.document.megasearch) {

You are currently trying to iterate over a form object. This doesn't
make sense. I assume you are trying to iterate over the elements in
the form. For taht, you need something like this:

for (element in window.document.megasearch.elements) {

So, not element references an element in the elements array of the
form. Therefore,

myIndex = window.document.megasearch[element].selectedIndex;

Ought to become:

myIndex = window.document.megasearch.elements[element].selectedIndex;

myIndex refers now to the selected index of the form element. This
doesn't make sense for anything but a select box, but I'll leave that
be. That said, this line is incorrect as well:

search_string = search_string + ' ' +

This should become

search_string = search_string + ' ' +

or, equivalently, and maybe a little easier to read line-wrapped:

search_string +=  ' ';
search_string += document.megasearch.elements[element].options[myIndex].value;

This way, you are accessing the option object with the index equal to
the selected index (i.e., the selected option) and getting its value

Matt Warden
Miami University
Oxford, OH

This email proudly and graciously contributes to entropy.

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