[thelist] SQL Update Query - Easy

Rob Smith rob.smith at THERMON.com
Wed Jan 26 15:25:59 CST 2005

Alright I'm going to set the stage:

<form action="Received.asp" method="get">
<input type="hidden" name="partID" value="2">
	while not RS.eof
<!-- insert about 2000 checkboxes with different values
     all with name="Video" :-\ This creates a comma
     delimited list called Video --->
<input type="submit" value="Checked In">

on Received.asp:
Videos  =  request.QueryString("Video")

Video = split(trim(Videos),",")

counter = 0

set RS = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
RS.ActiveConnection = MM_web_request_STRING
RS.CursorType = 0
RS.CursorLocation = 2
RS.LockType = 3
while  counter < uBound(Video)+1
	RS.Source = "Update tblVideos SET CheckedIn = 1 WHERE Video = '" &
Video(counter) & "'"
	counter = counter + 1

This will update the first record even when there are about 10 "Video's"
checked off of the original form... Even when I do a quick response.write
<query string> I see 10 Updates wiz across the screen. Yet only one, 1, uno,
een gets updated. The others are lost.



Rob Smith

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