[thelist] Re: Logo design...

Mattias Thorslund mattias at inreach.com
Thu Jan 27 19:00:34 CST 2005

M. Seyon wrote:

> Message from Mattias Thorslund (1/27/2005 12:42 PM)
>> Maybe it's still art, but with a very utilitarian purpose.  The 
>> customer will decide what works for them and if they determine that 
>> changing it will make it work better, they will definitely demand the 
>> rights to do so. Makes perfect sense to me, athough I can understand 
>> the artist's feelings.
>> The same ought to be the case for web site designs also BTW.
> No that's not a very good idea. What would happen the next time you 
> want to use that CSS rollover technique, or that breadcrumbs script?

Most of these are probably too simple or short that copyright would be 
an issue. And if they aren't new and unique there's no reason to worry 
either.  If they carry someone else's copyright, make sure you have the 
right (per the license) to include them in the site in the first place.

If you wrote something substantial that you'd like to re-use, make sure 
to co-copyright it -- or reserve the copyright but give away the rights 
to use and modify it, as under an open-source license (and that's 
probably a good idea anyway).

> Of course if you're talking purely about the visual design and not how 
> it's implemented, that's another story. Though in general website 
> designs aren't so unique that they can be "copyrighted".
> Everyone's doing two column, or three column or whatever.

What I actually meant was custom web design, where the customer pays to 
get a one-of-a kind web site.  They ought to get the rights to all the 
stuff you did custom.


More views at http://www.thorslund.us

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