[thelist] VBScript - declaring dynamically named vars in a Fo r loop

Brian Cummiskey Brian at hondaswap.com
Thu Mar 3 14:11:16 CST 2005

Pringle, Ron wrote:
> I've already sussed that part out, creating the dynamic form fields
> themselves. 

ok cool...

 > What I'm attempting to do now is read in those dynamic fields,
> create the appropriate number of vars to hold the contents of each field,
> and then check those fields for errors before submitting the data to a
> database. 

here's some more code :)

' ok, before we do anything, error-check the input data and re-direct 
back if necessary.

dim numentries, errormsg, errorcount

if isNumeric(Request("numEntries")) then
   numEntries = CInt(Request("numEntries"))
   numEntries = 0
end if

errorcount = 0
errorcount = CInt(errorcount)

for i = 1 to numEntries step 1

response.write "<input type='hidden' name='field1" & i & "' value='" & 
request("field1"& i) & "' />" & vbcrlf
response.write "<input type='hidden' name='field4" & i & "' value='" & 
request("field4"& i) & "' />" & vbcrlf
response.write "<input type='hidden' name='mymonth" & i & "' value='" & 
request("mymonth"& i) & "' />" & vbcrlf
response.write "<input type='hidden' name='myyear" & i & "' value='" & 
request("myyear"& i) & "' />" & vbcrlf

	if request("field1" & i) = "" then
		errormsg = errormsg & "<li>A <em>Name</em> is required for row " & i & 
"</li>" & vbcrlf
		errorcount = errorcount + 1
		response.write "<input type='hidden' name='errorfield1" & i & "' 
value='" & cint(1) &"' />" & vbcrlf
	end if
	if (len(request("field4" & i)) < 10) OR (not 
(isNumeric(request("field4" & i)))) then
		errormsg = errormsg & "<li>A Valid <em>Phone Number</em> is required 
for row " & i & "</li>" & vbcrlf
		errorcount = errorcount + 1
		response.write "<input type='hidden' name='errorfield4" & i & "' 
value='" & cint(1) &"' />" & vbcrlf
	end if
	if (len(request("mymonth" & i)) < 2) OR (not 
(isNumeric(request("mymonth" & i)))) then ' OR (request("mymonth" & i) > 
12) then
		errormsg = errormsg & "<li>A Valid <em>Month</em> is required for row 
" & i & "</li>" & vbcrlf
		errorcount = errorcount + 1
		response.write "<input type='hidden' name='errormymonth" & i & "' 
value='" & cint(1) &"' />" & vbcrlf
	end if
	if (len(request("myyear" & i)) < 2) OR (not (isNumeric(request("myyear" 
& i)))) then 'OR (request("myyear" & i) > 05) then
		errormsg = errormsg & "<li>A Valid <em>Year</em> is required for row " 
& i & "</li>" & vbcrlf
		errorcount = errorcount + 1
		response.write "<input type='hidden' name='errormyyear" & i & "' 
value='" & cint(1) &"' />" & vbcrlf
	end if
	errormsg = errormsg & "</ul><ul>"  & vbcrlf 'creates a list break in 
between rows of errors
errorcount = CInt(errorcount)

if errorcount > 0 then
	<input type='hidden' name='errormsg' value='<%= errormsg %>' /> & vbcrlf
	<input type='hidden' name='errorcount' value='<%= errorcount %>' /> & 
	response.write "<script type='text/javascript'>" & vbcrlf
	response.write "document.redirectme.submit();" & vbcrlf
	response.write "</script>" & vbcrlf

response.write "</form></div>" & vbcrlf

'--------------------------- end error check/submit back to form (i sent 
you this code yesteryday i think) -----------------------

'---- and now, for the loop ----------------
' do some stored procedure connection here....   then..

for i = 1 to CInt(Request.Form.Item("numEntries")) step 1
   field1 = "field1" & i
   field2 = "field2" & i
   field3 = "field3" & i
   field4 = "field4" & i
   field5 = "field5" & i
   field6 = "myyear" & i
   field7 = "mymonth" & i
   theyear = CInt("20" & Request.Form(field6))
   themonth = CInt(Request.form(field7))
   enteredDate = "20" & Request.Form(field6) & Request.Form(field7)
   call getBeforeAfter(theyear,themonth)
   varFields = 
   varValues = 

   oRs.AddNew varFields,varValues



<div id="header">
<h1>Phone Data Reports</h1>
<div id="menu">
	<a href="default.asp">Return to Main Menu</a>

<div id="content">

<h5> records isnerted</h5>
' end the re-direct if loop
end if

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