[thelist] Re: Multiple sessions in FireFox (for testing different use roles)?

David Siedband technique at oceanicsky.com
Thu Apr 7 22:20:26 CDT 2005

This is possible in Firefox (multiple concurrent instances).  Here's 

[ OS X ]
Throw this twice in the shell (Terminal.app)
/Applications/Firefox.app/Contents/MacOS/firefox &

If you launch the second instance as the same user you'll be presented 
with the profile manager.  If you launch as a different system user you 
won't be prompted.

[ Linux / *BSD ]
Basically same as on OS X, except the path to the executable will 
depend on where you installed.

[ Windows ]
A bit more involved.  It's explained here:

David Siedband

On Apr 6, 2005, at 1:36 PM, Evolt wrote:

> Hello:
> Thanks for your replies.
> I guess that I'll just go with multiple browsers -- thanks for the 
> idea!
> If I ever find another way, I'll post again.
> Thanks!
> Greg

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