[thelist] Contribute editable regions without using templates?

Peter Brunone (EasyListBox.com) peter at easylistbox.com
Thu Apr 14 12:58:43 CDT 2005

   Tell me about it.  I had to go digging through the source code of the Dreamweaver Data Controls DLL for .NET in order to get an answer to my FieldValue question, since *nobody* (MM included) had anything on the web for my situation.

<tip type="Dreamweaver Datasets with ASP.NET" author="Peter Brunone">
   Though the documentation doesn't mention it -- and the FieldValue method won't allow it -- you can populate a variable from a Dreamweaver Dataset field with the following syntax:

someString = myDWDataSet.DefaultView.Item(rowIndex).Item(fieldName)

   You can also substitute fieldIndex for fieldName.



 From: "Jonathan Dillon" jdillon at boehm-ritter.com

> You'd be doing A Great Service To Humankind by writing this up and posting
it somewhere (*cough*evolt.org*cough*) as an article...

You *really* would. This is the first time I've been able to find
information about this, and I've looked. Macromedia does a typical sub-par
job of providing docs for those of us not doing the *whole* MM thing.


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