[thelist] Grep Question - match multiple lines but not greedy

Jay Blanchard jay.blanchard at niicommunications.com
Fri May 6 14:07:20 CDT 2005

I know enough RegEx to pull out the line I need using:

Subtotal[ ]+= \$([0-9]+\.00)

but I need to pull out the subtotals for a particular day so I need 
something that will match line 1-30 like:

Date: May 5, 2005\r[\S\s]Subtotal[ ]+= \$([0-9]+\.00)

I can match line 1 and line 30 separately but I don't know how to match 
the stuff in between without being greedy and matching the whole file. 
I'd like to say, "Find a block of text where the first line is the 
date, followed by some text I don't care about and the last line is the 
Subtotal with the price that I do care about. Or to put it another way:

GREP might not be strong enough here, so you'll probably want to use
AWK. You may have to manipulate your file a little by making each e-amil
1 line in which you can get substrings....example follows (long, from an
existing script so you'll have to change)


cat $1 | awk '
#common items
	blank = ""
	RecordID = substr($0, 1, 6)
	RecordIDSuffix = substr($0, 7, 2)
	SuffixRecordInd = substr($0, 9, 1)
	ACNA = substr($0, 10, 5)
	BillDate = convertDate(substr($0, 15, 8))
	BillingNumber = substr($0, 23, 10)
	CustomerCode = substr($0, 33, 3)
	PackSequence = substr($0, 36, 4)
	RecordSequence = substr($0, 40, 9)
	ReservedEC = substr($0, 49, 13)

if (RecordID == "100505" && RecordIDSuffix == "00"){
#10-05-05-00 items
	InvoiceNumber = substr($0, 62, 15)
	Reserved = substr($0, 77, 60)
	WebAddress = substr($0, 137, 45)
	SvcCtrOrderInquiryNumber = substr($0, 182, 10)
	SvcCtrPaymentInquiryNumber = substr($0, 192, 10)
	SvcCtrContactNumber = convertPhone(substr($0, 202, 10))
	SvcCtrOfficeCode = substr($0, 212, 4)
	Reserved2 = substr($0,216, 10)
#create a file with the records delimited by commas, save to file named
for data table
erved2 > "tblBillFaceHeading00.tmp"

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