[thelist] Looking for a newsletter script

cosmin ghidoveanu brother.of.cain at gmail.com
Mon May 16 18:18:19 CDT 2005

Hi list. I'm looking for a PHP newsletter app to integrate with a
downloads site. What would you recommend? I need it to have the
following features:

-easy integration with the current site's visual design (meaning no
wading through dozens of lines of php so I can change the newsletter
template since I'm not a good coder by any standards);
- allow subscribers to choose between html and plain text;
- allow users to set how often they would receive the newsletter
- I need it to pull items from from the database tables of the cms I
am currently using to create the newsletter content (meaning add the
latest 20 downloads to the newsletter, if it can do this on a schedule
even better)
- work with the new more secure php settings (I've evaluated one such
app that failed to work because of open_basedir at least that's the
most likely culprit)
-check for invalid email adresses (bounces)
-link tracking
-able to handle large number of subscribers

My hosting provider comes with Fantastico which includes PHPList which
I didn't like at all although I probably would if I could get it to
work (fat chance though, the guy who wrote it made it deliberately
difficult to use to force people to pay for the installation).

So far I've found these:


http://www.octeth.com/products/oempro/ lots of good features

http://www.mailgust.org/downloads.html (hardcoded templates)

(couldn't get it to work)

http://weblotion.com/weblotion.php?reloader=1 pretty basic

http://trac.ratm.homeip.net/projects/phpmynewsletter/ Very basic functionality

www.listmessenger.com Decent features and pricing and has a free
version, can't get it to work though.

http://www.ulicampaigner.com/ Uses a PHP encoder module for the
evaluation version, so it didn't work on my site. Lots of good
features (among the best actually).

Feel free to suggest both paid and free solutions, but no providers.
I'm looking for a script I would download/buy.

Thank you very much.

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