[thelist] Website Govt. Regulations/Requirements

Paul Waring pwaring at gmail.com
Mon May 30 04:55:39 CDT 2005

On 5/30/05, Burhan Khalid <thelist at meidomus.com> wrote:
>    Other than 508, are there any other requirements for public websites?
>   Do they need to validate? etc?

I don't recall ever hearing that having valid XHTML/CSS is a
requirement for public web sites, although usually it makes meeting
the other standards a lot easier if your code already validates.

What specific country are you thinking about? Over here in the UK we
have the Disability Discrimination Act which would mean your site
would have to be accessible to people with disabilities such as
partial/no vision, although I think there's a get-out clause if the
cost of compliance is unreasonable/impractical (e.g. the Ministry of
Sound site would have a hard time making all of its content accessible
to people who are hard of hearing).


Rogue Tory

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