[thelist] Form field value "caching" in Safari

Mark Howells webdev at mountain.ch
Wed Sep 28 08:54:59 CDT 2005

Hi all

I've got to re-appraise the intranet for a system I work on, which  
uses a hefty amount of Javascript to build dynamic forms and to send  
(stone-age Ajax-like) admin requests to the server, to save current  
records and so on.  I've encountered a lot of problems in Safari  
since it was in beta and am *almost* able to open up my application  
to users with this browser.

However (there's always an however), I'm still seeing a curious  
problem.  There is a "list view" of current articles and a link to an  
"edit view" alongside each entry.

On the list page is a hidden input field:
<input type="hidden" name="Interface" value="Survey" />

On the edit view page, there is a hidden input field:
<input type="hidden" name="Interface" value="Edit" />

The problem I'm seeing occasionally, with Safari up to 1.3.x on  
Panther and 2.0.x on Tiger, is that Javascript "sees" the value of  
(form).elements["Interface"] as "Survey", even when it's on the edit  
view page.  It's almost as if the value of the field is being cached  
somehow.  Bizarre, and it doesn't happen with all form fields on a  
page, not even all fields of the same type.

Has anyone else seen this problem and found a cause or solution?   
We've even tried changing the webserver set-up so that caching is off  
for all pages - in a similar way to http://developer.apple.com/ 
internet/safari/faq.html#anchor5 - but that didn't work and is pretty  
unfeasible for a large CMS.

Thanks for any suggestions

Best regards
Mark Howells

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