[thelist] Apahe SSI Issues

RUST Randal RRust at COVANSYS.com
Fri Sep 30 09:21:06 CDT 2005

I have Apache 2.0 set up on two machines. On my laptop, the following
works fine...

	DocumentRoot "C:/ohk"
	ServerName ohk.com
	<Directory "C:/ohk">
	    Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
		Options +Includes
	    AddType text/html .shtml
	    AddHandler server-parsed .shtml

...but on my desktop machine at work, the includes don't work.

I am running XP on both machines, and an Apache 2.0 webserver. I
double-checked the httpd.conf file to make sure that mod_include is
uncommented as well.

What could be causing this?

Randal Rust
Covansys Corporation
Columbus, OH 

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