[thelist] PHP problem infact ASP issue

Ian Anderson ian at zstudio.co.uk
Sun Oct 30 14:24:28 CST 2005

Jon Ambrose at BTOW wrote:
> Apologies to all the site is infact an ASP site - can anyone help at
> all???????

The links on the side go to a different ASP page, the page "results.asp" 
seems to have a problem building the SQL, at a guess. Sounds like an 
unassigned property in an ASP object, rather than a SQL error.

Not sure why it's using a command object; would expect a Recordset object.

Need to see the source code for results.asp, though if you compare it 
visually with the relevant code in detail.asp (which seems to work 
fine), you may see the issue yourself.

Also, as a matter of style, I'd recommend not using strings as IDs in 
this manner, since for one thing you have all manner of punctuation in 
the values. Normal practice for this sort of thing is to assign each 
item a unique numeric ID and specify that in such database calls.

I know some people do this routinely, but to me it's just adding one 
more area where things can go wrong. Integers are much easier to 
validate before you build the SQL.



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