[thelist] Multilingual Sites: Best approach?

Juha Suni juha.suni at ilmiantajat.fi
Fri Nov 4 08:01:24 CST 2005

Dave Stevens wrote:
> Before I get started, I'm hoping I could gather an
> opinion on the best approach to handling this site
> wide language customisation - my initial thought was
> to go with a cookie set with information about the
> requested language within it, however I'm aware of the
> concerns some people have with cookies and so is there
> a better way to achieve this?

The safest bet would perhaps be, as Kasimir suggested, to go down to the 
subfolder-route (at least make it seem like so to the web client). This way 
there is no dependancy client-wise at all. This could be done easily with 
just a few includes.

I don't know what techniques you are using, but I'd recommend PHP sessions 
over plain cookies. Extremely easy to use, but they usually also work when 
cookies are disabled (in those occasions the PHP parser adds the PHP session 
id as a GET parameter to links etc automatically). There are a few caveats 
but its pretty solid.


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