[thelist] Turning on .htaccess in Apache Mac OS X

Peter-Paul Koch pp.koch at gmail.com
Wed Nov 9 09:11:19 CST 2005

> >What am I doing wrong?
> Did you restart the server?
> Yes, I'm sure you did.

I belatedly thought of that: no results.

> It's quite possible that the httpd.conf has further instructions that
> are, er, overriding the AllowOverride directive.
> Indeed, a quick google later
> http://www.clagnut.com/blog/350/
> reveals that you also have to edit the users' *.conf files too. Apparently.


AllowOverride All


AllowOverride AuthConfig

I noticed that the path to my files in ppk.conf was wrong, instead of
/Users/ppk/Sites my files are in /Library/Webserver/Documents, but
when I reset the path my entire server threw errors and nothing worked
any more. So I changed it back to the default /Users/ppk/Sites.

I tried the same setup on my external webserver, and there it does
exactly what I want: an html file is served as text/xml . So the error
definitely lies within the Apache configuration, and not in the
.htaccess files themselves.

I can of course test everything on my external server, but I'd prefer
my internal OS X server to follow my commands. Bloody OS X shitstem.

Thanks anyway, and if somebody has an additional clue, please tell me.

ppk, freelance web developer

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