[thelist] Link color problem

Tim Burgan email at timburgan.com
Wed Nov 9 23:06:27 CST 2005


I've designed a new site, but I'm having trouble with link colors.

In all browsers on Windows, the links show as intended - blue.

In Safari and Opera on Mac, the links show as red. Other Mac browsers
are blue.

Screenshots: http://tinyurl.com/ab6mo

In my CSS I have my links defined as follows:

a:link    { color: blue;   }
a:visited { color: purple; }
a:hover   { color: red;    }
a:active  { color: red;    }

I cannot figure out why this is occurring. I've tried removing the
:hover and :active, but this changes nothing.

Am I missing something? Has anyone come across this before?


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