[thelist] Help with providing a backup to javascript solution

Jacob Reiff jacob at jaacob.com
Thu Jan 26 19:49:22 CST 2006

On Jan 26, 2006, at 5:30 PM, Todd Stadler wrote:
> I seem to be writing to you from about seven blocks north of your
> business address (that is, I work in the Haseltine Building, across
> the street from Kell's). So that's fun.

That's definitely fun. :)  I'm really new to the area (a few months,  
moved from Austin, TX) so you'll have to forgive me not knowing which  
building you're talking about.

> 1) Funny problems occur if you right-click on the big red "Give me
> passion!". For whatever reason, the appearance of your "Becoming a
> BePrivy client" is triggered by any mouseclick, right or left.
> Unfortunately, the black-screen-scroll only occurs when I right click
> on the big red. So left-clicking brings up the client box. And
> clicking on its close button then toggles the black screen to scroll
> down. Leaving me with no way to get rid of it except download. I
> wouldn't have right-click pull up the client box, if I were you.

I hadn't tried right-clicking on the graphic, but see what you are  
talking about. My JS skills are a touch lacking, but I'll figure  
something out to avoid that issue.

> 2) The black screen doesn't really scroll all the way down -- it only
> scrolls down one viewport's worth of the page.  The
> black screen only scrolls down to "the fold". As it is, you can  
> click on the passion link
> and have a dialog box pop up whose contents are off the screen (for
> the most part).

I'm aware of this issue and have been trying to figure out how to fix  
it. Currently the divs are absolutely positioned - maybe switching to  
fixed positioning to force them to the center of the viewport will  
fix the problem. There might be a javascript solution to get the divs  
to center in the viewpoint regardless of where the scrollbar is, but  
I don't know it. The "black screen" is a div set to height: 100%,  
which is the issue with the break at the fold - perhaps changing it  
to a very large number and then setting the red box div to fixed will  
alleviate all my problems here!

> Got a bit wordy in describing all this; sorry about that. Just trying
> to make sure I'm making sense.
> Oh, and for all these complaints, I like the design of the site.  
> Very clean.

I appreciate the in-depth descriptions - helps me fix the problems  
faster. Thanks for the compliment.

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