[thelist] looking for good php auth/perm class

Rob Agar robagar at westnet.com.au
Wed Feb 22 02:22:22 CST 2006

have you checked out PEAR::Auth?  http://pear.php.net/package/Auth/


sbeam wrote:
> Does anyone know of any quality PHP classes/frameworks that specialize 
> in session-based authentication, permissions management, etc.? I am 
> thinking of something that has the following attributes:
> * can "password protect" any page with 1-2 lines of code
> * can be extended to get user/perm data from any DB, LDAP, SOAP whatever
> * works well with php5
> * does hierarchical and exclusive permissions levels easily
> * does not come with bells, whistles
> * is secure in every way (obviously)
> Ideally the calling code for this would look something like this:
> myMagicAuth::requirePerm('editor'); // restrict to editors and above
> and the local class for this might look something like
> class myMagicAuth extends magicAuth {
>   static $perms = array('guest'=>1, 'editor'=>2, 
>                         'admin'=>4, 'superuser'=>7);
>   static function requirePerm ($need_perm) 
>   {
>     $perm = self::$perms[$need_perm];
>     $user = magicUser::getUserSingleton(); // inst. user from session?    
>     if (!($user->getPerm() & $perm)) {
>        magicAuth::requestCredentials(); // shows the login form
>        exit();   
>     }
>   }
> }
> of course there would be a lot more to it. In case you are wondering I 
> am thinking about (re)writing something like the above but don't want 
> to reinvent the wheel. I know I could go to phpclasses.org et al. but 
> the quality there is abysmal usually. Someone must have tackled this 
> common problem before....
> thanks

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