[thelist] hidden span breaks form value?

Canfield, Joel JCanfield at PacAdvantage.org
Fri Mar 31 17:41:02 CST 2006

in our intranet request form, we have multiple 'PrimaryIssue' radio
buttons; one selection, 'Data_Entry_Error' makes a text field visible,
and required

if the hidden span is commented out, the response page receives the
value of PrimaryIssue just fine; if the hidden span is left in, and the
'Data_Entry_Error' button is chosen, the response page gets nothing as
the PrimaryIssue

makes no sense to me; thoughts? 

also, if there's an obvious and simpler way to do this, I'm all ears;
here's the code

	<input type="radio" name="PrimaryIssue" id="Finance"
value="Finance" onclick="toggleVis('deerror','Data_Entry_Error');" />
	<input type="radio" name="PrimaryIssue" id="NBT" value="NBT"
class="rdospace" onclick="toggleVis('deerror','Data_Entry_Error');" />
NewBiz Tracker
	<input type="radio" name="PrimaryIssue" id="Other_WBI"
value="Other_WBI" class="rdospace"
onclick="toggleVis('deerror','Data_Entry_Error');" /> Online Broker
	<input type="radio" name="PrimaryIssue" id="Other_PX2"
value="Other_PX2" class="rdospace"
onclick="toggleVis('deerror','Data_Entry_Error');" /> Other<br />
	<input type="radio" name="PrimaryIssue" id="Data_Entry_Error"
value="Data_Entry_Error" onclick="toggleVis('deerror',this);" /> Data
Entry Error <!--<span name="deerror" id="deerror"
style="visibility:hidden;"><input type="text" size="8" name="deerrordoc"
id="deerrordoc" class="rdospace"
onkeypress="this.style.backgroundColor='white';" /> Filesite DocNum

with the 'deerror' span commented out like this, I get a javascript
error if 'Data_Entry_Error' is selected, but the correct value for
'PrimaryIssue' is passed to the form.


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