[thelist] Script for M$IE only, or not

VOLKAN ÖZÇELİK volkan.ozcelik at gmail.com
Tue Apr 4 01:26:32 CDT 2006

> What an amazingly fresh and great new idea!

I truly understand your feelings, Chris. Especially on css toolshed.
I was one of those, who promised to  do something for it, but was unable to
contribute because of lack of time. Shame on me.

My personal $.02: Can we stop the self indulgence and thinking people
> really care about our personal blogs and how we achieve some technical
> stunt and concentrate on what we offer the visitors in terms of
> information instead of celebrating ourselves?

I see. However, people like me may not have adequate time, because
constructing such a site - especially a site with good content and quality
to take non-techy-savy users' attention - requires a lot of time and effort.

So, imho ymmv etc., making tens of thousands of sited "naked" for one day is
a striking way to make people wonder "what the heck is going on the web?".

I'm curious about the viral effect it will make. (btw, I'm preparing an MBA
thesis on "viral marketing" and its impact on "social networks" -the full
problem statement is more elagant but simply that's what the thesis about in
plain old english- and this issue is sorta my special interest for the time

At least some will google "naked day" etc and find some valuable sites
explaining why they are "naked" for one day.

To sum up, if you have limited time and you want to react somehow, there's
nothing easier than renaming your /lib/css folder to /lib/hide-css/ for one
day. It will take at most one minute!

If you want to raise awareness about CSS and semantic markup and that
> web sites can work without CSS a real web site for the cause, backed
> up by a body like the W3C or WaSP and acccompanied by press releases
> in the mainstream press with explanations

If one of my "magic" projects hold and I become prosperous enough so that I
may not need to think about how to earn a living; I promise I will devote my
time collaborating in those projects as well as creating my own like-minded

And I am serious on that. Really.

Volkan Ozcelik
+>Yep! I'm blogging! : http://www.volkanozcelik.com/volkanozcelik/blog/
+> My projects/studies/trials/errors : http://www.sarmal.com/

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