[thelist] CSS: Help with Layout - SOLVED

Mattias Thorslund mattias at thorslund.us
Fri May 12 11:53:28 CDT 2006

Funny, I'm in FF 1.5 and it doesn't look like what the OP wanted. The
menu items aren't distributed evenly at left and right sides. As I
understood it, the menu items to the left of the logo should space
evenly within their side, and similarly, the ones at right should space
evenly on their side - regardless of whether the number of items is the
same on either side.

You could perhaps have one UL for the "left" ones and one for the
"right" ones and set fixed withs on the UL elements.  I'm not real sure
how that would be formally or semantically better, anyway.

I assume the point of having all the menu items in a single UL is to be
able to change the look of the page by just changing the CSS. Sounds
noble, but not everyone needs it, and not everywhere. And since you have
to put classes on specific LIs, it seems that you're mixing content and
layout information anyway.

Rich Points wrote:
> Hi Gina,
> I went in and set this up using a ul instead of divs for this layout here
> http://richpoints.com/attempt1.html
> Basically the same thing with less code :-)
> Only tested in FireFox
> Good Luck
> Rich
> Gina Anderson wrote:
>> No longer banging head on desk.
>> http://www.lensatlarge.com/help/attempt1.html
>> Mattias's responses to wrap all three divs in yet another div, floating them
>> left, and finally the fixed widths for the divs got the header laid out the
>> way I wanted. Other suggestions would have worked, but this was the one I
>> could understand most. Thanks Mattias! Thank you to everyone too, who
>> attempted to help, I appreciate everyone's time, I know you're busy.
>> Thank you!!!!
>> Gina (now I can go take a Tylenol..and breathe)

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