[thelist] DataList Images in FireFox

Casey Crookston caseyc at IntelliSoftmn.com
Wed Jul 5 15:02:42 CDT 2006

I'm putting images into an imageButton inside a datagrid.  The images
could be of any size, so we are forcing them to be a width of 75.  This
works in IE, but in FireFox they show up as the actual size.


Any ideas?






<asp:datalist id=dtlPhotos runat="server" RepeatColumns="6"


                        <asp:ImageButton ID="Imagebutton1"
OnCommand="Imagebutton1_Command" CommandName='<%#
DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "photo", "images/vehicles/{0}") %>'
ImageUrl='<%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "photo",
"images/vehicles/{0}") %>'  Width="75" Runat="server" />



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