[thelist] Simple JavaScript question

Rick den Haan rick.denhaan at gmail.com
Sat Jul 8 11:31:19 CDT 2006


john at johnallsopp.co.uk schreef:
> Thanks, I was almost there, but I still have a problem.
> Error: document.getElementById(pOption) has no properties
> $returnString.="<tr><td class='head'>".$value[1]."</td><td><select
> name='$value[1]' onChange=\"changePrice('".$value[1]."')\">";
> where $value[1] = price, delivery, or whatever.

:) sorry 'bout that. document.getElementById requires there to be an ID 
in the element you're trying to get.

My testfile worked when I added id='$value[1]' to the <select>.



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