[thelist] ASP.NET: Passing the value of a link button

Casey Crookston caseyc at IntelliSoftmn.com
Tue Aug 8 11:25:56 CDT 2006


See my previous post - you don't use the Click event, you use the
Command event. This event allows you to specify a name for the command
and an argument, which is then available from your event handler. The
links I posted show you how to do this in VB, it should be trivial for
you to implement it. If you have any problems, call out.


I did look long and hard at your previous post - I was having trouble
getting it to work in VB.  See Below:



for (int i = 65, i <= 90; ++i)
    LinkButton lb = new LinkButton();
    lb.Text = "&#" + i + "; ";
    lb.CommandName = "alpha";
    lb.CommandArgument = i;

    lb.Command += new CommandEventHandler(AlphaCommand);  <-- Could no
get this to work.  Lb.command is not recognized.


private void AlphaCommand(object sender, CommandEventArgs e) {
    Response.Output.Write("Command {0} has argument {1}.",
e.CommandName, e.CommandArgument); }

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