[thelist] TIP: Converting MS Word to Clean HTML

Hershel Robinson hershel at galleryrobinson.com
Wed Sep 27 10:28:04 CDT 2006

Now this is, I think, a pretty good tip.

<tip type="Converting MS Word to Clean HTML" author="Hershel Robinson">

1 Get and install the Word2MediaWiki Word macro from:


2 Run the macro on your Word file

3 Find any MediaWiki install that you like and EDIT a page (any page)

4 Remove all the text of that page and insert the text from your 
now-converted Word file

5 Click on "Show preview"

6 Examine the source and there you have it!

Your headers are converted into headers, lists into lists, etc. etc.

It is certainly not going to be 100% what you want, but I have not seen 
any tool as good as this. And using the method above, you don't need 
your own MediaWiki installation, nor do you need to modify anyone 
else's--just use the preview feature and then close the browser without 


Web Site Construction by Gallery Robinson

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