[thelist] Are These Incoming PPC links?

Jono jono at charlestonwebsolutions.com
Thu Oct 12 08:14:02 CDT 2006

Looking over visitor logs, I see incoming links that look like this - 
www.domain.com/&subid=30405, where /&subid=30405 changes for each 
incoming/referring link.  Are these clicks from Google ads, or other pay 
Per Click ads?

I believe that these links are coming from a Pay Per Click campaign that 
was set up before I inherited a Website?  The links are coming from 
Men's Health, eHarmony, and a bunch of other random sites.  I cannot 
find any links to the site in question when I visit Men's Health and 
eHarmony, etc.

Anybody know if these are likely to be from an old PPC campaign?  I 
suspect they are, but thought I'd ask here.


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