[thelist] Anchor tags in FF not working

Julian Rickards julian.rickards at gmail.com
Thu Oct 26 09:57:43 CDT 2006

No, it is a structural issue, Mark Groen caught the error first. It should
be <p><a></a></p> (or better yet <p id="x"></p>).

On 25/10/06, Lee kowalkowski <lee.kowalkowski at googlemail.com> wrote:
> Oh, that's a style sheet issue.  Works fine without your style sheet.
> I reckon once you sort out paragraphs inside the anchors thing though
> it'll sort itself out.
> Basically, because your anchors aren't floating or clearing, and have
> no text, they don't contain your floating paragraphs, and are
> therefore zero in size - look at the anchors' dimensions in the DOM
> Inspector (Box Model), and because they all wrap your paragraphs, all
> your anchor elements essentially start in the same place.

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