[thelist] JS drag-drop script

Rick den Haan rick.denhaan at gmail.com
Tue May 1 13:55:30 CDT 2007

Matt Warden wrote:
> This is a common problem and a lot of libraries do exactly what you need.
> See:
> http://developer.yahoo.com/yui/examples/dragdrop/list.html?mode=dist

Ah, yes, the wonderful YUI.  This does appear to need lists, though, which are not in the sourcecode (and would need serious rebuilding to get in there).

Ken Snyder wrote:
> This can be done using the scriptaculous drag and drop with its built-in
> options.

I ran a quick test using a fresh scriptaculous download, but I got an error in the dragdrop.js file.  I'll have a deeper look tomorrow, but this one looks very promising.

Thanks, both, for the pointers. I'll let you know how it turns out.


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