[thelist] IE javascript question

Stephen Rider evolt_org at striderweb.com
Mon Jul 2 09:17:43 CDT 2007

You input only has a name, but in your script you're trying to call  
it by ID.  "Name" and "id" are two different attributes.  I would  
either call the element by Name or add the ID to the tag.

Stephen Rider

On Jul 2, 2007, at 9:04 AM, Eduardo Kienetz wrote:

> In my form I have this button:
> <input type="submit" name="submit2" value="ADD" class="formbranco"
> onClick="return verificaMarcacao('Please select at least one
> item!');">
> Which when clicked should check if at least one checkbox is checked,
> using this javascript function:
> function verificaMarcacao(msg){
>    var i,tmp,ind,txt,sel;
>    sel = document.getElementById('amostra').selectedIndex;
>    for(i=0;i<examesmats[sel].length;i++){
>       tmp = document.getElementById(examesmats[sel][i]);
>       if(tmp.childNodes[0].childNodes[1].checked) return true;
>    }
>    alert(msg);
>    return false;
> }
> I'm guessing this has something to do with childNodes, but I was
> unable to confirm (much less to tell why).
> Now, what happens is that even selecting a checkbox Internet Explorer
> shows the message.
> Should I use getElementByName? Is it okay (not deprecated, etc) ?

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