[thelist] absolute vs relative font sizes

Lee Kowalkowski lee.kowalkowski at googlemail.com
Tue Jul 17 08:56:11 CDT 2007

On 17/07/07, Simon Watkins <handymanorama at gmail.com> wrote:
> ben: thanks - that works fine.
> volkan: "bulletproof web design" looks like just what I need, thanks.
> Simon.

Great, just a technical note - pixels are not strictly absolute.
Absolute units are cm, in, mm, pt and pc.  Relative units are em, ex,
px and %.  Pixels are relative because they are relative to the
resolution of the viewport.

The special thing about em, ex and % is that when used for font sizes,
they refer to the font size of the parent element, for all other
properties, em and ex refer to the font size of the element currently
being styled.


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