[thelist] Open Source PHP/MySQL Online Survey Tool

Ben Glassman bglassman at gmail.com
Wed Aug 8 11:51:00 CDT 2007

Hi everyone,

A prospective client of ours is asking about adding the ability to
administer surveys on their website. We are looking for an open source
solution that runs on PHP/MySQL and will allow the client to create and edit
surveys themselves through an admin backend and that we can integrate
directly into our CMS (rather than something like SurveyMonkey, which is
hosted externally). I have found some only, such as PHPEsp and the survey
tools listed in this Google Answers article[1], but I am just wondering if
anyone has used any of these tools already and found one they liked.


1. Open Source
3. Not a hosted solutions
4. Web Standards complient (XHTML 1.0 Strict, CSS, etc.)
5. Ability for client to create/edit survey questions through a web based
interface and to generate/view reports on survey responses (and display
results publicly if desired)

Thanks a lot for any suggestions,


[1] http://answers.google.com/answers/threadview?id=311751

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