[thelist] ASP.NET dropdownlist error

Joel D Canfield joel at streamliine.com
Wed Sep 26 00:06:47 CDT 2007

> What does Bind("DeptName") do?

I assume (since I'm still sorting out how .NET 2.0 thinks) it connects
this dropdownlist to the db field 'DeptName' included in the query.

> How many rows does the query you are executing return?

The query returns these exact results (that'd be 16 rows)

1	Administration
2	Development
3	Engineering
4	Executive Team
5	Field Ops
6	Field Service
7	Finance
8	HR
9	Information Technology
10	Manufacturing
11	Marketing
12	Product Development
13	QA
14	Sales
15	Sust. Engineering
16	Unassigned

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