[thelist] ASP.NET: UNION query not returning expected results

Joel D Canfield joel at streamliine.com
Fri Sep 28 09:22:22 CDT 2007

> <asp:SqlDataSource ID="dsMyDataSource" runat="server" 
> ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:ConnectionString %>" 
> SelectCommand="MyStoredProcedure" SelectCommandType="StoredProcedure">
> 	<SelectParameters>
> 		<asp:QueryStringParameter Name="EmpID" 
> QueryStringField="id" />
> 	</SelectParameters>
> </asp:SqlDataSource>
> ...Pretty sure this would do it.  This, or something like it...

Yes, but what would the stored procedure look like? How do I retrive
both the current value, where the EmpID = the QueryStringParameter,
*plus* all the results where officeid isn't present in the Employees


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