[thelist] (no subject)

Ken Moore psm2713 at hotmail.com
Tue Oct 30 11:13:54 CDT 2007

Hi all,
I have a problem with the following code. It works if I hard code the numbers 3 and 3 but not if I use params. I get the following error:
Exception Details: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: The parameterized query '(@MainID int, at Num1 int)INSERT into RecordsDaily ( RecordsID_rec,' expects the parameter '@MainID', which was not supplied.
I know that this is a common problem and there are about 10,000 of you who can answer it.
Dim Num1 As Integer
Num1 = 3
Dim MainID As Integer
MainID = 3

' Initialize connection
conn = New SqlConnection("Server=localhost\SqlExpress;" & _
"Database=ROADS;Integrated Security=True")

' Create, execute command
comm = New SqlCommand("INSERT into RecordsDaily ( RecordsID_rec,BookingDay_rec) values ( @MainID, @Num1)", conn)
comm.Parameters.Add("@MainID", Data.SqlDbType.Int)
comm.Parameters.Add("@Num1", Data.SqlDbType.Int)
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